
Hello everyone today I am going to be posting about noise. I did not really notice how many sounds there were in America (or at least Florida) until I came to Japan. Everywhere I have been in Japan in relatively quiet. Temples, trains, streets, buses, etc have all been quiet and it was kind of strange thinking back on it so i figured I would post about it. I talked to one of my Japanese friends about it and he said that most of the time it is Japanese people trying to be polite. For example, talking on a phone while on a train or bus in Japan is rude. Yes the majority of people who do this are probably foreigners not knowing the customs but there are also some Japanese people who do it. It is not like it never happens among Japanese people, it is just considered rude. Also, people are not blaring music when they are driving or relaxing at home which I experience in Florida on occasion. It is nice to ride a train or take a car ride in almost complete silence, different but nice. Also, the people speak softly compared to America where some people are loud, some are average, and some are quiet. I have not heard a loud Japanese person since I have been here, so i am guessing that it is part of the culture to be mostly quiet and reserved which I would say is opposite of most Americans. Like I said it is definitely something different and I am sure there are a list of pros and cons to being reserved or outgoing.

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